HBS - Humphreys Building Supply
HBS stands for Humphreys Building Supply
Here you will find, what does HBS stand for in Construction under Business category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Humphreys Building Supply? Humphreys Building Supply can be abbreviated as HBS What does HBS stand for? HBS stands for Humphreys Building Supply. What does Humphreys Building Supply mean?The Construction company falls under building materials category and is located in .
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Alternative definitions of HBS
- Sickle haemoglobin
- Hospital Based Specialist
- Harvard
- Historic Brass Society
- Halifax Behavioral Services
- Hospital Bosque da Saúde
- Harvard Business School
- Halo Branded Solutions
View 97 other definitions of HBS on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- HLPPC The Health Law Partners P.C.
- HTSEGL HTS Engineering Group Ltd
- HPWM Highland Private Wealth Management
- HHGB Habitat for Humanity Great Britain
- HUISSC HUI She Shang Corp.
- HIKA Holiday Inn Kolkata Airport
- HFAP Healthcare Facilities Accreditation Program
- HICP Holiday Inn College Park
- HPR High Plains Reader
- HRI Hope Research Institute
- HPM Howard Precision Metals
- HGCI Hackensack Golf Club Inc
- HRE Heritage Real Estate
- HSWR Hilton Sharm Waterfalls Resort
- HPP Hager Pacific Properties
- HSO Housekeep Service Oy
- HTFD Highland Township Fire Department
- HCC Henderson Coffee Corporation
- HBC Henderson Brewing Company
- HIG Howe Insurance Group